JOers 4 Innovation Hub: an event to boost Sicily’s digital transformation

Catania has all it takes to become a smart city, thanks to new technologies and the rise of new digital professions.

This is the main theme of JOers 4 Innovation Hub, an event dedicated to young people and companies that want to innovate and networking to change Sicily, and in particular the city of Catania, through sustainable economic and social development projects.

The event, organized by JO Group, a company that has been encouraging Digital Transformation since 1998, wished to promote the importance of raising awareness in the area of digital culture, which is critical to the future well-being of society and to driving economic growth.

Andrea Motta, experienced Senior SEO Specialist returned to his homeland Catania after a decade spent in the UK, spoke at the JOers 4 Innovation Hub, explaining what SEO professionals do, as lots of people still confuse SEO Specialists and Content Writers or Web Developer with one another, as well as the crucial role SEO plays in the Digital Transformation (feel free to watch the video, in Italian, above).

Andrea Motta also discussed how in 2022 companies cannot afford to underestimate the power of Local SEO, or the local positioning of their business on Google and other search engines. Something that in the south of Italy and in Catania happens more and more with companies that do not understand the importance of hiring an SEO Consultant, struggling to keep up-to-date the Google My Business profiles and local pages, missing the opportunity to gain visibility and help new potential customers find their business online.

Although accelerated by the COVID emergency, Italy’s Digital Transformation remains far from the standards of the other nations of the European Union.

That is why non-profit organisation JO Education promotes the idea of converting Catania into a smart city, through their daily activity and the events that, from time to time, they promote to encourage networking and active participation in the ‘digital transition’ in Sicily.